Thursday, December 19, 2013


This isn't something I'm comfortable with but extraordinary circumstances can change our boundaries in a heartbeat.  For once, this isn't useless or trivial.  It's about my daughter and granddaughter, their picture above in happy times. I'm going to explain the situation and then ask for a donation.

They've been living in my small lake property, taking care of it for me since I moved back to my own home.  During the night, my granddaughter woke up when cold water dripped onto her face.  She got up immediately - which literally saved her life - and ran to her mom's room - my daughter.  Within moments, the water pipe in the ceiling burst and everything above where she'd been sleeping fell!

They got out with the clothes on their backs, their puppy and their purses.  Four inches of water was on the floor, the firemen wouldn't allow them back in for fear of electrocution from the power touching the water.  They have no place to go.  They have nothing left.  They need money for food, a place to live, gas for their vehicles, bills - everything.  And Christmas is just a few days away.  This isn't how any of us saw them spending Christmas.

I've cleaned out my account and sent them what I could but it doesn't come close to being enough for them to live or work or go to school. My granddaughter drives over 20 mi each way to high school.  My daughter was cleaning houses but hasn't been able to do that because of gas costs - temporary housing in a little motel room with two twin beds has them a long distance from work.

Fortunately, they'll have the gifts I got them.  But they're trying to feed, clothe and house themselves and their very senior dog who was rescued from a shelter; no one would take her because she has no teeth left. But they took Baby and she's been wonderful. And their bills keep coming.

So....the few of you who see this post...I'm going to ask you a favor.  Please, if you can donate even maybe just $5 - please do so to help them.  Then SHARE with others.  Perhaps use other sites you have available to encourage others to donate and share.

I'd never made a website before but I learned in a hurry how to do one.  The donation site is and it's through Paypal.  Since all of my donations for animals, people and groups have been done in this manner, I feel it's a safe way to manage it.

This has been a difficult thing to do.  Our family has always been self-sufficient and served others.  So asking someone else for help is foreign and uncomfortable for me.  So I'll ask this - if you are offended by my post I'll understand.  But please don't leave unkind comments.  Just ignore me.

This is the only family I have left and I just want to try to help them.  Thanks from the bottom of my heart.


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